Handy Design Styling Tips for Your Home

In this blog, we have included various hacks, tricks, and rules that interior designers everywhere use to achieve an amazing look every time. If you’re looking to refresh your home and need help getting started, we’ve got some great tips for you!


Pillows  Pillows are one of the best and most affordable ways to amp your space and make it look well designed. Using textures, colors and patterns helps give you a layered look that allows your room to pop. In the end, you’ll have a beautiful space that’ll make you feel proud.

Wall Decor Wall decor can be a bit tricky at times, so one of the best rules to follow is understanding the ideal height at which to hang artwork.  You should aim to get the center of the piece at eye level.  This is usually around 62 inches from the floor. However, you may want to adjust the height depending on the size and style of the artwork as well as the height of the ceilings in your room. Following these guidelines will help to ensure that your artwork does not look like it’s randomly floating on the wall but instead is a part of the vignette in which you are installing it.

Styling with odd-numbered groupings  A simple but effective way to help your decor appear well designed is to arrange pieces in groups of 3 or 5.  You should also vary the size/scale of the décor as well.  In the picture below, you can see that there is incredible balance and symmetry achieved with the elements placed on the cocktail table.  From lower left to upper right, the weight is the same, which creates amazing balance and symmetry without using the exact same pieces.  The same goes from the upper left corner down to the lower right.  In addition, the top of the table appears visually lighter than the bottom shelf – again, balance is key.  You can decorate in odd-numbered groups with your pillows, décor on your cocktail table or shelves and artwork, just to name a few.  Always keep scale, texture, and color in mind. By doing this, you’ll get a grouping that looks intentional and professionally designed.

Patterns  We all know patterns can be a bit scary to work with because if you get it wrong, it can throw off the entire look of the room. The first thing you’ll need to consider is the scale and type of pattern. You should vary the scale of the patterns with some large, some medium and some smaller.  With regard to patterns themselves, consider stripes, plaids and animal prints as working with nearly any other pattern.  If you choose to use a number of patterns, make sure that they are similar in color.  In this way, you can ensure that your room will look elegant and well thought out.  The room in the picture below may not be to your liking but it works from a design perspective.

Be careful not to use too many patterns as this is exhausting to the eye and creates a “messy” look. Don’t forget there will more than likely be a pattern on your area rug as well so lay it all out before you purchase!

Balance  Symmetry and balance are key elements to creating the perfect design.  Visitors to your home will feel uncomfortable in an unbalanced room without necessarily being able to articulate why. When a room is heavier on one side than the other, it is disconcerting and it detracts from the entire design.  Make sure to use pieces of equal weight from side to side and front to back to help give the room balance.

Scale  Don’t underestimate the importance of scale as ignoring this important design principle can completely destroy the look and feel of your space. Imagine having a 12’ long wall with 1- 12” x 18” art piece hung on it. It will look lost in a space that large.  Measure twice and purchase once – that’s my motto!  This goes for everything from the square footage of the room itself, to the walls and everything in between.

Color  We all know that choosing a color for your room is perhaps the most important and difficult aspect of design.  Create your color story and stick with it by varying the percentages of the selected colors from room to room.  In this way, you have a cohesive look throughout the space without every room looking exactly like the other.  If you choose to utilize a neutral or more monochromatic scheme, don’t forget to add some color for interest.

These are but a few helpful tips that you can follow when you’re looking to design your space.  Think of these as the foundation for every home décor project, and you’ll have great success when designing your interior space.


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